View Scenarios for examples of Engagement and Consultation practices


Scenario Code

General Research 1 (GR1)

Proponents that wish to introduce a project(s) to First Nations in the planning phase.

General Research 2 (GR2)

General research that requires an understanding of First Nations perspectives and engagement/consultation requirements.

Prospecting (PR)

Field geological mapping, hand samples, limited aircraft support, foot traverses, nil footprint.

Exploration 1 (EX1)

Grassroots exploration that includes planning activities before the field season. Typical field programs includes regional geological mapping, ground geochemical surveys, airborne and ground geophysics, smaller field crews and a temporary camp.

Exploration 2 (EX2)

Grassroots exploration that includes drill programs, trenching, road construction, larger camps over an entire field season.

Exploration 3 (EX3)

Advanced exploration programs required for deposit delineation and programs necessary for pre-feasibility/feasibility studies.




Scenario Description

Example Engagement Process

Example Engagement Programs


Government researcher or educational institution seeking to introduce their project(s) to First Nation(s) and learn of any required protocols, approvals and/or endorsement for field based research or activities.

Review Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme and First Nations Governance Theme) to assist with communications. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 5.5.1, 6.3.1, 13.3.1, 13.8.7, and 16.4.2 to also guide communications. Identify the affected First Nation(s), and specific requirements for an engagement process. Complete a Proponent Profile and initiate communications to the First Nations governments and/or administrative departments.

No specific consultation programs identified unless the proposed program is multi-year or large enough to warrant specific programs.  


Due diligence project that requires an understanding of First Nation(s) protocols/ policies/ legislation/ codes in regards to engagement and consultation for mineral exploration projects.

Identify the appropriate First Nation(s), and their specific requirements for an engagement process and their consultation requirements. Review Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme and First Nations Governance Theme) and UFA clauses to guide communications. If the due diligence results in a property acquisition, complete a Proponent Profile Form to introduce the company and future programs. Best Practices should be applied in designing engagement strategies and activities.

No specific consultation programs identified unless the due diligence has resulted in an acquisition that will result in follow up multi-year programs. Best Practices should be used to guide the consultation programs.


Prospecting activities that require initial communications and engagement with the appropriate First Nation(s) before going into the field.

Review Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme and First Nations Governance Theme) to assist with communications. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 5.5.1, 6.3.1, 13.3.1, 13.4.6, 13.8.7, and 16.4.2 and First Nation specific engagement requirements to guide communications. Initiate early communications by requesting a meeting with First Nation(s) to introduce yourself and the nature of the work you are intending to do.

No specific consultation programs identified unless the proposed program is multi-year or large enough to warrant specific programs.


Exploration company wanting to introduce themselves prior to staking mineral claims.

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme and First Nations Governance Theme) to assist with communications. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and First Nation specific engagement requirements.

No specific consultation programs identified unless there is an exploration program being planned.  


Exploration company considering a grass roots property program that includes activities such as prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical surveys and a temporary camp.

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme, First Nations Governance Theme, Community Support Theme, & Corporate Support Theme) to develop an overall strategy. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 5.5.1, 6.3.0, 6.6.1,, 17.2.1, 18.4.0, 18.6.0 and 17.2.1.  Identify all affected First Nations, and research their legislation, codes, and policies as appropriate. Complete a Proponent Profile form and request a meeting. The Engagement process should be designed to build strong interpersonal relationships between company management, First Nations leadership and citizens.  

Be prepared to initiate an initial communications agreement such as an MOU or Letter of Intent. It may include communications protocols such as frequency and types of meetings, local support requirement including accessing business opportunities and the requirements for preliminary environmental, socio-economic baseline and cultural programs that are geared to the stage of the exploration program.


Exploration/mining firm with a new mineral property acquisition that wishes to introduce themselves.

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme and First Nations Governance Theme), review and understand obligations contained in the UFA, First Nation legislation, codes, policies and procedures as appropriate. If exploration programs are being planned, complete a Proponent Profile Form to introduce the company and programs. Initiate early communications by requesting a meeting with First Nation(s) to introduce yourself and the nature of the work you are intending to do.  

Review previous agreements to build on what has been working and enter into new and updated agreements such as an MOU, Letter of Intent or Exploration Agreement, depending on the stage of the project. It may include communications protocols such as frequency and types of meetings, local support requirements, including accessing business opportunities and the requirements for preliminary environmental, socio-economic baseline and cultural programs that are geared to the stage of the exploration program.


Exploration Company that wishes to update the appropriate First Nation(s) with an existing project where exploration activities will increase in scope such as property scale exploration drilling, trenching, road building, a semi-permanent camp, regular crew rotations and baseline programs.  

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme, First Nations Governance Theme, Community Support Theme, & Corporate Support Theme) to develop an overall strategy. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 6.3.0, 6.6.1, 14.5.4, 14.8.0, 17.2.1, 18.4.0, and 18.6.2. Identify all affected First Nations, and research their legislation, codes, and policies as appropriate. Complete a Proponent Profile form (if required) and request a meeting. The Engagement process should be designed to build strong interpersonal relationships between company management, First Nations leadership and citizens. Allow for as much notice as possible on proposed project changes to allow First Nation government and citizens to discuss, plan, develop business partnerships, and fully participate in review processes and participation opportunities. Provide a comprehensive project update including new key corporate personnel and plan regular updates and reconnect meetings with face to face meetings in the Community, on the land and at the exploration site.

Review previous agreements to build on what has been working and enter into new and updated agreements such as an MOU, Letter of Intent or Exploration Agreement, depending on the stage of the project. It may include communications protocols such as frequency and types of meetings, local support requirements, accessing business opportunities and the requirements for preliminary environmental, socio-economic baseline and cultural programs that are geared to the stage of the exploration program.


Exploration Company that has outlined a significant new discovery and is conducting property scale programs such as in-fill drilling, detailed geological mapping and sampling, a semi-permanent field camp, continual aircraft support, crew rotations and baseline field programs.

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme, First Nations Governance Theme, Community Support Theme, & Corporate Support Theme) to develop an overall strategy. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 5.6.9, 12.0, 14.8.0, 14.9.0, 17.2.1, 18.1.0, 18.4.0, 18.6.0. Identify all affected First Nations, and research their legislation, codes, and policies as appropriate.  Ensure strong interpersonal relationships between company management, First Nations leadership and citizens based on trust. Provide an updated Proponent Profile (if required). There will the requirement for the First Nation to build an understanding of more technical information which may require the involvement of technical experts by First Nations. First Nations visits to other regions/projects where the company has projects and introductions to other First Nations that have experience with the company is desirable.  

Initiate negotiations for an Exploration Agreement. Recommend the development of a First Nation skills matrix (including education) for project specific opportunities in the business directory. Prepare a consultation work plan in partnership with the appropriate First Nation(s) and implement as appropriate with the planned exploration program.


Exploration project that is moving to a deposit definition stage (pre-feasibility, feasibility). This would also typically require environmental, socio-economic and cultural baseline programs with a semi-permanent field camp, continual aircraft support, crew rotations, and community visits to the site.  

Review Engagement and Consultation Best Practices (See Early & Sustained Engagement Theme, First Nations Governance Theme, Community Support Theme, & Corporate Support Theme) to develop an overall strategy. Review and understand obligations contained in the UFA and specific clauses such as 5.5.1, 5.6.9, 6.3.0, 6.6.1, 12.0, 14.8.3, 14.8.8, 14.8.10, 14.9, 18.4.0 and 18.6.0. Provide an updated Proponent Profile (if required). There will the requirement for the First Nation to build an understanding of more technical information which may require the involvement of technical experts by First Nations. First Nations visits to other regions/projects where the company has projects and introductions to other First Nations that have experience with the company is desirable. The Exploration Company, First Nations government and citizens should have a long term and trusting relationship based on previous engagement programs. If this is an issue, it is critical to develop a trusting relationship given future approvals and permitting requirements. Ensure there is a continuous and active aboriginal traditional knowledge and values information shared through the engagement program with citizens and specifically elders.  

Initiate negotiation of a long term socio-economic agreement.  Ensure there are provisions for employment, training and mentoring opportunities for First Nation citizens for long term employment. Create a Project Advisory Board for agreement implementation and to assist with the resolution of conflict and issues. Consider establishing a community based Project Liaison Manager with a local office. Ensure Consultation Programs continue, including environmental, socio-economic and cultural baseline projects for environmental assessment and regulatory approvals.